BioCanRx is committed to providing HQP with webinars and workshops that address their needs in both technical skills and career development. If you missed out on some of our live events, please check out the recordings from previous webinars and events below.
Hosted by BioCanRx & Science to Business Network (S2BN)
Networking is an invaluable skill in today’s world. Strong professional networks lead to more career opportunities and professional advancement, more efficient innovation and knowledge dissemination and exchange, and increased #jobsatisfaction
This webinar will discuss approaches to networking with the goal of equipping you with new tools and strategies that you can use to effectively build your professional network and connect with your peers.
Speaker: Bruce Seet, Head of Medical Affairs, NOVAVAX
Moderator: Rebecca Burchett, BioCanRx HQP
Virtual HQP Development Day Keynote Talk
Watch the keynote
Keynote Talk from BioCanRx’s HQP Development Day, as part of the 2021 Virtual Summit for Cancer Immunotherapy. This session features speaker Karine Morin, Director, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). It was recorded on November 19, 2021.

Large biological datasets are an essential component of modern biology, including cancer and regenerative medicine research. There are now numerous online repositories that house extant datasets that can assist when exploring or validating biological trends. Understanding and evaluating the dataset resources available can accelerate project process and promote research rigor. BioCanRx and SCN are excited to co-host a free webinar that is designed to introduce researchers to the range of online data resources, including TCGA, GEO, dbGAP and the GTEx portal, that may be used to support biomedical research. The webinar will describe the strengths and limitations of these sources, how to find appropriate data, outline methods for reviewing dataset quality, and provide use cases for such an analysis. The webinar will focus on RNASeq data with some discussion of other experimental data types.
Learning objectives:
This webinar will introduce students to a range of online data resources that can be used to answer and refine biological questions. After attending this course, HQP will be able to search online sources for data appropriate to their research, understand how to evaluate the data quality and how to approach re-analysis.
The webinar will cover fill cover the following topics
• Introduction to online data sources
• Data repositories and resources
• Quality assessment of datasets
• Data use case studies
The webinar will be delivered by Gareth Palidwor, Bioinformatics Core Facility Manager at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and Dr. Samer M. Hussein, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Biology, Medical Biochemistry, and Pathology and Oncology axis researcher, CHU de Québec and Université Laval.
Watch webinar recording
Building on the BioCanRx Where Are They Now Q&A Series, BioCanRx is pleased to introduce a virtual and interactive three-part series catching up with our HQP Alumni on their respective career paths. The career series will include introductions by our alumni, followed by a moderated panel discussion and audience Q&A portion. You can check out the Alumni profiles here to learn more about the panelists and their journey.

Session One
Join us on the first of our three-part series catching up with our Alumni – Parvez Vora, Site Head, Century Therapeutics; Laura Evgin, Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia; and Piriya Yoganathan, Head of R&D, Biotherapeutics Manufacturing Centre, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute. View their bios here.
Watch the recording here
Session Two
Join us for the second of our three-part series catching up with our Alumni – Dr. Maartje Wouters, Freelance Medical writer, Wouters Writing; Dr. Nicole Forbes, Scientific Project Coordinator, Public Health Agency of Canada; and Dr. Marie-Laurence Tremblay, Research Ethics Board Manager, Nova Scotia Health Authority.
Watch the recording here
Session Three
Join us for the third of our three-part Where Are They Now series. This session features Noelle Wilton, Research Assistant, BioMarin Pharmaceuticals, Mélissa Mathieu, Senior Scientist, CellCarta, and Sarwat Khan, Senior Scientist, Nexelis.
Watch the recording here
BioCanRx is pleased to offer a series of interesting and interactive virtual talks featuring our funded Network Investigators from across the country. Each speaker session will include a plain language overview and wrap up, with an opportunity for questions.
Session One
Building a Trans-Canada Railway for CAR T-Cell Therapies
Speakers: Dr. Natasha Kekre, Dr. Brad Nelson, Dr. Kevin Hay, Dr. Scott McComb, Terry Hawrysh, Julian Smazynski
November 16, 2020
Link to webinar recording
Session Two
Developing better CAR T-Cell Therapies by engaging patients, performing systematic reviews and assessing real-world and economic evidence
Speakers: Dr. Dean Fergusson, Dr. Kednapa Thavorn, Mackenzie Wilson, Gisell Castillo, Dr. Manoj Lalu, Joshua Montroy, Dr. Justin Presseau, Madison Foster, Terry Hawrysh
December 9, 2020
Link to webinar recording
Session Three
COV-IMMUNO – A randomized, phase III trial of vaccination with IMM-101 versus observation for the prevention of severe COVID-19 related infections in cancer patients at increased risk of exposure
Speakers: Dr. Rebecca Auer, Dr. Chris O’Callaghan, Judy Needham
January 13, 2021
Link to webinar recording
Session Four
Therapeutic inducers of Natural Killer cell killing (ThINKK): a novel approach to prevent cancer relapses after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Speakers: Dr. Michel Duval, Marie-France Langlet, Nicolas Poirier
Febuary 4, 2021
Link to webinar recording
Session Five
“Engineered Biovesicles” – A new platform for cancer immunotherapeutics
Speakers: Dr. Carolina Ilkow, Eva Villalba, Abera Surendran
Febuary 22, 2021
Link to webinar recording
Session Six
Fighting Viruses with Viruses: Repurposing cancer vaccine platforms to fight the spread of COVID-19
Speakers: Dr. Jennifer Quizi, Dr. John Bell
March 10, 2021
Link to webinar recording
Session Seven
Novel combination approaches for solid tumours: leveraging checkpoint inhibition and radiation therapy in renal cell carcinoma
Speakers: Dr. Aly-Khan Lalani, Dr. Anand Swaminath, Jessica Irvine, Dr. Michael Surette, Deborah Maskens, Donna McCarty
April 14, 2021
Link to webinar recording
Session Eight
Increasing Gene Therapy Vector Production Using Viral Sensitizer Molecules
Speakers: Dr. Jean-Simon Diallo, Dr. Elena Godbout
May 6, 2021
Link to webinar recording
Session Nine
Harnessing the power of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) by cell selection for adoptive transfer immunotherapy
Speakers: Dr. Simon Turcotte, Dr. Sandy Pelletier, Sylvain Bédard
June 28, 2021
Link to webinar recording
BioCanRx Insider Series: Episode Five
Watch the panel

The Lost in Translation – Navigating a Path from Discovery through to the Clinic panel will provide HQP with an overview of the processes of biotherapeutic translation for academics. The session will provide participants with an understanding of the steps necessary to bring a product to patients, including preclinical research, manufacturing, clinical trial applications, regulatory oversight and engagement with Health Canada, engaging key stakeholders for a successful project, and financing a project. The first 25 minutes of the session will include a case study presentation by Adam Nelson, PhD Candidate at Dalhousie University and BioCanRx HQP working group member, and an overview of translation by Dr. Jennifer Quizi, Director of Biotherapeutics Manufacturing Operations at BioCanRx. The remaining time will be spent in Q&A and discussion with experts in the field.
BioCanRx Insider Series: Episode Four
Watch the webinar

This workshop will cover important topics in learning to use R and Rstudio. These include configuring R to work for you, reading and writing data, concepts for effective data management, reproducible analysis using version control and markdown, and how to use public resources to improve your R skills. The workshop will be targeted to researchers with little or no previous experience in R, but who would like to learn.
BioCanRx Insider Series: Episode Two
Watch the webinar
Download the slides

Communication in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) has historically been dominated by text-based mediums. Scientific articles, textbooks, reviews, conference proceedings, and posters rely heavily on the use of text to communicate scientific findings. These components are frequently aimed at reaching fellow scientists and individuals within the scientific community. Our current method of communication is framed primarily for those who conduct research, and as scientists we generally underutilize visual aids as a method of communication, which is arguably more effective. However, scientists and clinicians may struggle to translate scientific data into clear and informative graphics. The Designs that Cell team has consolidated and summarized the eight steps we use for creating eye-catching illustrations. These steps are intended as a practical resource for clinicians and scientists to use when creating scientific graphics for myriad projects, including manuscript figures, scientific poster presentations, and slides for oral presentations.
BioCanRx Insider Series: Episode One
Watch the webinar
Download the slides

Writing a scientific review paper is a big job and requires breakdown of the tasks. Most graduate students will benefit from writing a review paper on their subject matter during their academic studies. This webinar will provide you with the basic tools to start reading and writing! Dr. Lee-Hwa Tai will also start the webinar with a biography and description of her career trajectory. We hope the Q&A will be an informal opportunity to ask questions about not only review writing, but also career-related questions to Dr. Tai.
Current Trends in Biotherapeutics Workshop 2019
The Clinical Translation Education Group composed of BioCanRx, CCRM, CellCAN, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR), Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine (OIRM) and Stem Cell Network, hosted a one-day workshop on Sept 27, 2019 on current trends and innovations in cell and gene therapy with an emphasis on disruptive technologies. It was aimed at trainees and other professionals in the biotherapeutic space and will introduce new tools and strategies that are shaping where the biotherapeutic field is headed.
You can find the agenda here, and you can watch the videos of speakers here.
CTEG IP/Entrepreneurship workshop
Building on the success of The Clinical Translational Education Group (CTEG)*’s first day-long workshop, Bench to Bedside for Biotherapeutics (B3), CTEG hosted another day-long workshop on September 14, 2018 on Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship for Biotherapeutic Scientist in Toronto, Ontario.
View full workshop videos
* The CTEG is a partnership of 7 NGOs: BioCanRx, CellCAN, Centre for Commercialization for Regenerative Medicine, Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and The Foundation Fighting Blindness, and the Stem Cell Network.
Bench to Bedside for Biotherapeutics (B3) Workshop
View the full workshop video presentations here.
Click here or on the image below to learn more and view the workshop video presentations.
BioCanRx, in partnership with other biomedical research networks, will be organizing a one-day workshop entitled Bench to Bedside for Biotherapeutics (B3) at the MaRS Discovery District in Toronto. Modules will introduce concepts related to the stages of development for biotherapeutics. Participants will learn about the critical steps to consider at each stage of the process through lectures by experts in the field as they share their experience and insight.
Preclinical Experimental Design and Reporting Workshop
Please click here for the program and resources associated with the Preclinical Experimental Design and Reporting Workshop taking place at the Summit4CI in Banff, AB, on October 26, 2018.