Get Involved!

BioCanRx is committed to involving HQP in shaping the training we offer. We value your input and provide opportunities to develop professional skills alongside your research. Get in touch if you see programs and initiatives where you can contribute your ideas and grow with us!



Leadership Opportunities


Summit4CI HQP Working Group

Are you passionate about shaping career and professional development for trainees and laboratory professionals? The Summit4CI HQP Working Group leads the planning and delivery of activities at HQP Development Day at the Summit for Cancer Immunotherapy.

  • What You’ll Do: Help plan career and professional development activities for Summit4CI attendees.
  • Time Commitment: 6-8 1 hr meetings in advance of the conference, plus delivery of HQP Development Day at Summit4CI.


Support for HQP Members: Registration for the Summit4CI is covered by BioCanRx. Other travel and accommodation reimbursements follow the regular HQP travel policy.


Applications open approximately 10 months in advance of Summit4CI. Sign up for BioCanRx’s newsletter to receive notifications.


More Info:


HQP Development Committee


The BioCanRx HQP Development Committee advises on BioCanRx’s training programs and initiatives.

  • What You’ll Do: Provide insight into network training needs and advise on training programs that address gaps.
  • Time Commitment: Regularly scheduled meetings throughout the year.


HQP Adjudication Committee


The BioCanRx Adjudication Committee evaluates and selects recipients for BioCanRx HQP awards across various programs.

  • What You’ll Do: Review applications, provide recommendations, and contribute to discussions on selection criteria to ensure equitable evaluation process.
  • Time Commitment: Participation in adjudication for approximately 6-8 programs throughout the year, with scheduled review periods and meetings.



Have Ideas? We Want to Hear from You!


Have you identified a need (e.g., workshop, webinar, or resource) that BioCanRx should address? Do you have a best practice to share?


Email Julie Jonkhans, Training & Research Manager, ( to share your ideas!



Stay Connected


For the latest HQP updates and opportunities: