Research Management Committee



The Research Management Committee (RMC) is made up of independent members whose primary role is to evaluate research proposals and actively help BioCanRx monitor the progress of its projects. The RMC will build and maintain a robust, competitive research portfolio founded on scientific excellence and network goals. All RMC funding and budget recommendations go to the Board of Directors for approval.


In order to avoid potential conflicts of interest, the voting RMC is composed of independent and primarily international experts in biotherapeutics.




Dr. Dmitriy Zamarin
Medical Oncologist, Section Head, Gynecologic Medical Oncology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Dr. Awen Gallimore
Professor, Immunology, Infection and Immunity, Cardiff University
Dr. Jeffrey Hoch
Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, UC Davis
Dr. Sumithra Mandrekar
Professor of Biostatistics and Oncology at the Mayo Clinic (USA)
Dr. Alan Melcher
Professor of Translational Immunotherapy, The Institute of Cancer Research, Chester Beatty Laboratories, London (UK)
Dr. Isabelle Rivière
Vice President, Head of Oncology Cell Therapy Technologies and Product Engine, Takeda
Dr. Cliona Rooney
Professor, Baylor College of Medicine (USA)
Dr. Bruce Seet
Head of Medical Affairs (Canada) at Novavax
Dr. Alison
Dr. Guy Ungerechts
Dr. Len Seymour
Professor of Gene Therapy, University of Oxford
Dr. Alison Betof-Warner
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Oncology), Stanford University School of Medicine
Dr. Guy Ungerechts
Deputy Director of the Medical Oncology Department at the Heidelberg University Hospital and National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg




Dr. John Bell
BioCanRx Scientific Director
Senior Scientist, the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Professor, uOttawa


Dr. Kelvin Chan
Associate Scientist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Canada)


Dr. Douglas Mahoney
Associate Professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Infectious Disease
Associate Director, Basic and Translational Research, Charbonneau Cancer Institute
Scientific Director, Alberta Cell Therapy and Immune Oncology (ACTION) Initiative
Director, Riddell Centre for Cancer Immunotherapy


Dr. Brad Nelson
BioCanRx Theme Leader
Director and Distinguished Scientist, Deeley Research Centre, BCCA
Professor, Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Victoria


Dr. Claude Perreault
Principal Investigator, IRIC
Professor, Faulty of Medicine, Université de Montréal
Hematologist, Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital


Jean-Louis Brochu
Director, Intellectual Property and Communication, IRICoR


Narjes Achach
Intellectual Property Analyst, IRICoR





Dr. Stéphanie Michaud
President and CEO, BioCanRx


Megan Mahoney, PhD
Director, Scientific Affairs and Training Programs


Julie Jonkhans, PhD
Training and Research Manager