BioCanRx Impact
Cultivating Biotherapeutics Expertise
The BioCanRx mission is to accelerate Canada’s most promising biologically-based cancer therapies into clinical trials. Training the next generation of immunotherapy researchers and addressing knowledge gaps in clinical translational research are key pillars of this goal. BioCanRx is addressing these aims by developing highly qualified personnel (HQP) skilled in all aspects of clinical translation, from the lab bench to the clinic. BioCanRx’s training program targets HQP working in all relevant disciplines (such as virology, immunology, health policy, and implementation and knowledge translation) and at all levels, from high school students and undergraduates to senior research and clinical staff.

Providing Training and Skills Development in Clinical Translation

BioCanRx’s translational training program offers training opportunities for HQP from bench-to-bedside and supports initiatives for high school students through to senior HQP, Network Investigators and Patients
BioCanRx has educated hundreds of HQP through its various training programs and supported 600 HQP as members of Network Investigators’ research teams. The benefits of the BioCanRx HQP experience are clear – 90% of HQP graduates have found employment.

* Statistics add up to 101% due to rounding
96% satisfactionrate
BioCanRx’s training program is highly valued by HQP, Network Investigators and employers. This is partly due to the tailored and in-depth educational opportunities that are crafted using feedback gleaned from network surveys, landscape analyses and employers. The training program’s fundamental purpose is to enhance the quantity and quality of Canadian HQP with expertise in the full range of activities required for delivery of novel therapeutics.
Addressing a Biotherapeutics Bottleneck Through Hands-on GMP Experience
Through several initiatives, BioCanRx is supporting hands-on skills development in Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) with the aim of building capacity in the Canadian biomanufacturing ecosystem and create job-ready HQP in the sector.
In support of its Point-of-Care initiative, BioCanRx is leveraging its involvement with an established, first in Canada, hands-on training program at The Ottawa Hospital’s Biotherapeutics Manufacturing Centre (BMC). Known as the Canadian Partnership for Research in Immunotherapy Manufacturing Excellence or CanPRIME, this unique training program brings together the complementary offerings of college (Algonquin College micro-credential certificate program) and university (University of Ottawa) training with invaluable industry expertise, guidance, and funding support from Mitacs. CanPRIME programming offers HQP hands-on training during an eight-month full time internship in GMP. To date, the employment rate of CanPRIME interns is 100%.
Key components of CanPRIME:

“Daily mentoring and hands-on training, professional development workshops, and training modules tied together my learning experience as a student and my learning experience as an intern within this program, which ultimately led to full-time employment in my chosen field of study. This program invested in me and enhanced my readiness. My experience in this program was exceedingly positive and had a direct impact on my successful transition. I enthusiastically recommend this program.”
- Jessica Hentschel, Past CanPRIME Intern
“As a student finishing their studies, preparing to enter the professional world was a daunting task. With partnerships like CanPRIME bridging the gap, those dream jobs I’ve heard about suddenly became more real than ever.”
- Reuben Benedict, Past CanPRIME Intern
BioCanRx Training Success Stories