Abstract submission is now open for the Summit for Cancer Immunotherapy. The 2019 Summit4CI takes place October 20-23, 2019, in Victoria, BC. Up to 100 HQP will be selected for travel awards to attend Summit4CI. The awards will be adjudicated based on your abstract submission. Abstracts will be selected for poster presentations and, in addition, some will also be chosen for oral presentations to conference delegates.
The deadline to be eligible for travel awards is Friday, May 24, 2019. General abstract submission closes on Friday, September 6, 2019. Details here: https://cancersummit.ca/abstracts/key-dates-and-details
The Summit will bring together more than 300 leading scientists, clinicians, students and economists with representatives from industry, patient groups, charities and government. The conference will explore the latest progress in cancer immunotherapy from scientific, clinical, industry and patient perspectives through internationally recognized speakers, scientific presentations, poster sessions and panel discussions. The Scientific Programming Committee is organizing an exciting agenda with topics ranging from Gene Editing in Cancer Immunotherapy to Biomarkers and Mechanisms of Resistance. A new feature this year will be an Oxford-style debate. Stay tuned for the detailed agenda and keynote speakers.
The Learning Institute is back this year! Developed by BioCanRx’s Cancer Stakeholder Alliance LI Working Group and our HQP community, the institute brings together leaders from oncology patient communities and immunotherapy research academics. Participants attend plenaries, engage in knowledge exchange activities and a Patient-Researcher Roundtable.
Summit4CI also offers networking opportunities such as the opening dinner, a special night out, lunches, coffee breaks and more! The Summit takes place at the Fairmont Empress Hotel and the adjacent Victoria Conference Centre. Registration opens later in May.
Visit https://cancersummit.ca/ for more details.
Sponsoring Summit4CI
We couldn’t organize this conference without the sponsor support! Showcase your organization’s key messages and products with a targeted international audience and be recognized for supporting the exciting field of cancer immunotherapy! We hope you’ll consider becoming a booth exhibitor or sponsoring a poster session, workshop or other opportunity at Summit4CI! Watch this video about the benefits of sponsoring the 2019 Summit4CI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVYjZFTvRnY
We look forward to working with you on a sponsorship package to meet your organization’s needs. Please contact us at info@biocanrx.com for details.