BioCanRx researchers Dean Fergusson, Justin Presseau, Natasha Kekre, Harold Atkins, Kednapa Thavorn, Rob Holt, Manoj Lalu, and patient representative Terry Hawrysh have recently published results in two medical journals from their BioCanRx-funded project, “Getting better Outcomes with Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell therapy (GO–CART): A BioCanRx Research Excelerator to Safely and Effectively Translate CAR T-Cell Therapy for Hematological Malignancies”.
The study, which began in 2017, aimed to bring together experts from different backgrounds as well as patient representatives to formulate a feasible, safe, effective, and economical trial protocol that addressed the pitfalls some early-phase trials have faced in the past. Its ultimate aim was to help BioCanRx scientists effectively use CAR T cells in Canada.
Read about the results of their research below: