Just four months to go until the 2018 Summit for Cancer Immunotherapy (Summit4CI) taking place October 27 to 30, in Banff, Alberta!
This 3rd annual scientific meeting of BioCanRx will bring together more than 300 leading scientists, clinicians, students and economists with representatives from industry, patient groups, charities and government. The conference will explore the latest progress in cancer immunotherapy from scientific, clinical, industry and patient perspectives, through internationally recognized speakers, scientific presentations, poster sessions, panels and networking.
We are pleased to have Dr. Crystal Mackall, of Stanford University, deliver the opening keynote on the evening of Saturday, October 27 and Dr. Glenn Begley, of BioCurate Pty Ltd., who will deliver the closing keynote on Tuesday, October 30.
The Scientific Program Committee has organized a robust agenda. Some of the plenary session topics scheduled for Summit4CI include:
- Tackling Challenges in CAR T and Engineered T cells
- Resistance Mechanisms in Immunotherapy
- The Underdogs: The Other Players in Cancer Immunotherapy
- The TME/Metabolism and Immune Profiling
- Clinical, Social & Economic Impact: Patient Engagement in Research
- Antigen Discovery/Neo-epitopes
- Combination Immunotherapy Strategies
We hope you’ll join us for Summit4CI in beautiful Banff, Alberta. Check out the Summit website for full program details, additional distinguished speakers, registration and sponsorship information: http://www.cancersummit.ca/
Early Bird Discount: Register before July 9, 2018
Final Online Registration Deadline: September 19, 2018
Travel Award Competition – Closed: Primary authors will be notified of the competition results on Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Abstract Submissions: Final deadline: September 4, 2018
Room booking deadline: September 26, 2018
Preclinical Experimental Design & Reporting: Friday, October 26 from 12:45 to 7 p.m.
Dean Fergusson, Manoj Lalu and colleagues will host this hands-on workshop aimed to improve BioCanRx scientists’ knowledge of research design, analysis, and reporting of key methodological details. Lunch and dinner will be provided. Pre-registration is required. For more details and to register: https://pedr2018.eventbrite.com/
HQP Development Day: Saturday, October 27. Registration at 12 p.m. Sessions run from 1 to 5 p.m.